The Kentucky Nature Preserve (KNP) is taking the necessary steps to safeguard land resources in Richmond, Kentucky. The organization is actively seeking grants from programs such as the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund, the Endangered Bats Conservation Fund, and others. The staff of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides technical assistance to the conservation district and its customers for resource conservation and development work through a cooperative agreement. In addition, eligible government agencies and nonprofit land trusts can apply to the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund to acquire their own natural areas, for management under a KHLCF conservation easement.
The Kentucky Register of Natural Areas is a voluntary, non-regulatory program designed to recognize good ecological management and to raise awareness of the ecological importance of an owner's property. The Department of Agriculture (USDA) talks about implementing the natural resource conservation provisions of agricultural legislation. In addition, the owner undertakes to notify the KNP if he is interested in selling the land or if the area is threatened in any way. USDA service centers are places where you can contact employees of the Agricultural Services Agency, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, or the Department of Rural Development for your business needs.
We work with landowners to improve agricultural operations, prevent soil erosion, protect streams, promote wildlife habitat, manage forest resources and address the impacts of urban growth on natural resources. For example, the Harrison County property known as Quiet Trails State Nature Preserve was donated in its entirety to KNP by the owners, the Wiglesworth family, while more than half of the purchase of the Archer-Benge State Nature Reserve in Whitley County came from a legacy of the late Dennis Benge. The Kentucky Natural Resources Conservation Service provides American farmers and ranchers with financial and technical assistance to voluntarily implement conservation measures. This not only helps protect the environment but also agricultural operations.
This was made possible by federal legislation passed in 1939 that allowed conservation districts to participate and intervene before government agencies. The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) is another partner-driven approach to conservation that funds solutions to natural resource challenges on farmland. To be registered, a property must contain habitat for plants or animals that are rare or have declining populations in Kentucky or that contain an outstanding example of a Kentucky ecological community, such as an old forest, wetland, clearing, or prairie. State technical committees act as advisors to the NRCS and other U agencies.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides technical and financial assistance to help farmers, ranchers and forest owners protect their land resources. Your local conservation district works hard to protect natural resources and quality of life for you and your community.